Submitted by Annelise Klopp

In a world of darkness, you must rely on your other senses to experience things.

Try to be as descriptive as possible about how you would live in this world.

Does Grass Smell Green?

Waking up in constant darkness always sparked unease in me. I wanted to see. I wanted to see color. I wanted to see faces. I wanted to see myself.

The soreness in my body awakes as I blindly reach for my alarm clock. The alarm’s screeching welcomes the beginning of a migraine. Slamming my hand down on the clock’s button, I welcome silence.

Removing myself from the bed, I shift slightly. My feet searching the cold wood for my cozy slippers. I always wondered what they looked like. Were they gray? Maybe brown? Even pink? What about the floor? I learned my colors in school like everyone does. I just have yet to see them.

They say that the grass is green and that the sky is blue, but what do green and blue take after? Does grass smell green? Does rain smell blue?

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