“Eyes In The Sky”

It was late afternoon and Bill,had been watching the cameras. He was in charge of a large factory. He would constantly watch the cameras to see who would arrive and who would leave. He knew everyone that was allowed on the premises.

    It was late afternoon when bill noticed a strange man walking down one of the hallways acting strange. Bill, quickly called security to interact with the stranger. Soon the man was surrounded by security.

 How did you get in here?

How did you get past security?

I couldn’t possibly tell you said the stranger.

I’m not sure where I’m at, said there stranger.

Who are you asked security?

I don’t remember. What do you mean?

I can’t tell you how I got here nor who I am.

Security, decided to call the police and the paramedics to assist.

      Where am I ? What is this place?

Your at a secured facility in Denver Colorado,

We’re still trying to figure out how you got pass our security. The stranger laughed I fell out of the sky. He said it in a joking way but he was not joking. Yes! I believe I feel out of the sky.

     When the paramedics arrived they decided to question the man he had lost memory and had a concussion. He said I don’t remember all I know I fell from the sky. Soon the police arrived and decided to assist in the situation. Shortly after a call came in that a man was missing after parachuting out of a plane. They were told that the man hit his head against the plane opening as he jumped. The man was taken to the nearest hospital and friends and family were notified. 

      The camera man was not able to capture the man on camera for they did not cover the sky. Everyone laughed about the incident. I knew I wasn’t slacking said Bill. 

I protect this facility with my life. You did a great job you caught the stranger once inside and for that we are going to award you with the best camera man of the month. Bill, just laughed thanks but I was just doing what I was supposed to, I was puzzled because no one knew how he got pass the cameras and security. We need eyes in the sky and they all laughed.

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