Write a poem about a birthday.
This doesn't have to be about your own birthday. What themes could you explore through writing about birthdays?
The Old Man’s Lament
Tick, tock, tick…
Another year’s come and gone as so many have before it
Time heeds nothing but her own ticking pace
But still I plead for her to slow down
Just for a second
Let this old age rest for a little while longer
Before the new one takes its place
Tick, tock, tick…
Each second washes over me as a wave drenching the shore line
But all I want is to be dry
My bones are so tired already
How many more years do they have to carry me?
Tick, tock, tick…
As her seconds followed her minutes
And her hours turned to days
And her days to months
Her months to years
Her years to decades
Her decades to centuries
Time has never once wavered
Though I try to catch her ear and cry for her to pause in her relentless marching,
She remains on her steady path, unbothered
Tick, tock, tick…
Why must she trek on like this?
Why must aging be beautiful in anything but my own skin?
The earth seems to love her seasons as they pass,
Why must I hate mine?
Tick, tock, tick…
I miss when my smiles came easy
When my tears didn’t cut so deep and my lungs were new
When the world was fresh and I had yet to find my place within it
Tick, tock, tick…
But now I lay here
Settled down in my place found years ago
Counting each new wrinkle as I wind down for my final sleep at this stale age
I wish I could make my world new again
But as time continues to march forward
I have no choice but to match her pace.
Tick, tock, tick..
- j. e. anderson