Captain’s Revenge

It started with the rain. My worst enemy. And yet my greatest power. But I was still drowning as I watched it through the bar window.


Spoons burst through the door. He was soaked through and yet he carried an umbrella. He spotted me and stole my drink.

I dodged the splatters of water. “Are you just here to steal my whiskey?”

“Sorry, Captain.” He set down the empty cup. “The admiral’s looking for you.”

I poured myself another glass. “He can wait until the rain stops.”

“But he’s on our ship now.”

I swirled the whiskey in my cup. What could he want now? And risking the rain just to find me? Glancing down I took out my pocket watch. It was burning as a gentle glow emanated from it. The admiral had probably been trying to get ahold of me for hours. I sighed and put the watch back in my pocket without even glancing at the messages he’d left there.

“He said it was urgent, Captain.”

“Everything’s urgent to him.” I said without looking up.

But I decided to throw back the cup of whiskey before leaving a few gold coins at the bar. I grabbed the umbrella and nodded to my cabin boy. He was dry now but willing to plunge back into the pouring rain. I followed closely behind making sure my hood stayed low over my eyes. One stray drop could ruin the buzz I’d fought so hard to obtain. Though the admiral’s temper could sober me up just as fast.

Too soon we were back on the port. Spoons rushed aboard our ship, his footing sure despite the rain. I walked up the gang plank admiring my ship. Dark mahogany glinted as lightning struck across the sky. I smiled. Even in weather like this she was just as beautiful as the day I bought her.

“About time you got here Sting.”

I looked up at the admiral. He also stood under an umbrella, but his expression was dark. Yeah, I’d be sober soon enough.

He followed me inside my cabin. I threw away my wet coat and umbrella. But he still stood dripping wet as he focused on the map pinned to the table.

“You’ve done good work.”

I glanced at the ocean map I’d been working on. It had been a request from one my diver friends. But the admiral was looking as if it wasn’t there.

“What’s wrong, Manta?”

He didn’t even glare at the nickname. “We need a map to Atlantis.”

“You? Or the humans?”

“They’ve grown too dangerous.”

“So, your going to let them kill your own people?”

He turned away. “They ceased being my people when they started attacking our ships.”

“Because the humans keep over fishing. Where else are they going to get food?”

“Ray.” He looked back, face hard.

“Fine.” I opened the door. “Come back in three days.”

He left with a nod. But I couldn’t let go of my ties in Atlantis. My people.


And in a moment the cabin boy was in my doorway.

“I need the positions of every navy ship.” It was time to hit back in hard.

Spoons’ eyes lit up. “Are we going to be pirates now?”

“No.” I patted him on the head as I stepped out into the rain. “We’re going to be much worse.”

As soon as the water hit my skin I could feel the call of the ocean. The rise and fall of the waves. And my crew busy cleaning the bottom of the ship. They felt my call and jumped on deck. All of them had scales and fins still on proud display as I inspected them.

“What are your orders Captain?” My first mate asked.

“Set sail in five.”

“Aye Captain.”

I stayed on deck as my crew worked. The ocean was answering my call as the waves swelled larger and larger. And by the time we left the harbor there was nothing left of it. No ships. No buildings. No humans.

Spoons handed me a map he’d drawn on. And as always his echo location was superb. Now it was time to teach humanity it’s place on this planet. Hopefully they learned quickly or they would feel the power of the ocean once more.

My pocket burned and I took the pocket watch out. Manta’s face glowered at me. “What the hell are you doing?”

I shrugged. “Taking vengeance on humanity.”

“You will regret this.”

I smiled. “We’ll see.”

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