The main character passes a note to another character.

Write a story based on this action.

How to Tell Jack

“When are you going to tell Jack you like him?” Asked Megan. “Megan” Alie said in an embarrassed voice. “What?” Said Megan. “You gotta tell him you like him sometime” she said with a smile. “Well when are you going to tell Samuelson you like him?” Said Alie. “Ok I’ll make you a deal” said Megan. “I tell Sam I like him, if you tell Adam you like him”

“Ok” said Alie.

That night she grabbed a pencil and a pad of paper and started to to right a note to Jack. Finally, after many crumpled pieces of paper, she had the perfect note to give to jack.

The next day in home room Alie passed the note to jack. He smiled at her and put the note in his back pack and turned back to the teacher.

When the bell rang to switch classes, Alie saw the note fall out of jack’s back pack. She picked it up and held it to her chest. She had to think of another way. Then she remembered something. This wasn’t her first crush, in middle school she had a crush on Tomithen greyhound. She sent him a poem in the mail! If it worked for him then it might work for Jack!

So she wrote him the perfect poem, signed her name, and sent the poem.

A few weeks later, she got an email saying that “the letter could not reach its destination”.

“Why not!?!?” She screamed into her phone. She laidback in her chair and sat her phone on her chest with her hands covering it. “Why is this not working” she thought. And then she had an idea.

“Hey” said Jack. Alie turned around to see his blond hair and deep blue eyes and soft peach colored skin.

Alie had dark brown skin, chocolate colored eyes and hair. “So” he said. “Is the roomer true?” He asked. “It can be” she reapplied.

Let’s rewind a bit shall we?

Alie wrote in the school news paper that there was a roomer that Alie liked Jack.

So now that your caught up back to the story.

“Well then would you like a dance?” He asked. By the way this was happening at the spring dance. “I would love that” she said. Eventually they got married and had to children (twins to be exact) Clair and Maggie.

The End

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