Write about an important event from a child's point of view.
Consider how children view and understand things differently from adults. You don't have to write in first person.
Big Man
The bow tie itched. Charlie tugged at his collar wishing he could just take off the darn thing. He felt comfortable in the shoes, dress pants, and jacket, but the bow tie was too much. Someone smacked the back of his head and he turned around. At first, all he could see were a pair of dress pants, he looked up scowling. His brother, Matthew, scowled right back at him.
"Leave it alone, booger." Matthew then looked away and put a hand through his hair. "Mom'll kill ya if you look all messed up in the pictures."
"She won't notice." Charlie retorted.
"Don't kid yourself, kid."
"Don't call me kid!" Charlie hated when Matthew acted like an old man. He was only three years older. Sure, he was tall for his age, and Charlie quite the opposite, but ever since he started high school, Matthew thought he was a grown up. His mom's boyfriend, Steve didn't help matters much by always calling him "big guy" or "big man".
"Then stop acting like one." Matthew growled. Charlie couldn't help but give him a great big shove. Matthew stood unaffected, his right eyebrow lifted. "Look Charlie, I'll let that one slide. It's a big day. Once those doors open, hundreds of eyes are going to be on you carrying that dumb pillow. You can't mess up because there will be cameras all pointed at you, and if you do, it'll go viral. You'll never live it down. Mom will always remember that on one of the most important days of her life, her youngest KID couldn't even walk down the aisle right. Steve will be even more pissed than the day you broke his cell phone. I will be the favorite forever."
Charlie's eyes widened. All he wanted was to take off the bow tie, not be laughed at for the rest of his life. He turned back around. Looked at the pillow in his left hand with the two rings. All he had to do was walk in a straight line for a minute...max. Matthew was just trying to scare him again.
The sound of heels came towards them. It was Amy, Steve's niece, followed by all of the bridesmaids. Charlie could tell Matthew and Amy had a little thing for each other. They weren't related but it was still gross in Charlie's book. Their mom in her wedding dress was quickly approaching, it was almost game time. Charlie was not nervous a bit, he was still angry at Matthew. With everyone distracted, he decided he'd shoot his shot. He bent down quickly and tied Matthew's shoelaces together. He'd show him who couldn't handle being a viral sensation.
The doors swung open, Charlie passed through the doors in time with the music. It was Matthew's turn. Charlie didn't look back but heard a big thump and a girl scream. The whole church gasped and the music stopped. Charlie smiled from ear to ear. Who was the big man now?