‘Earthquakes no longer feel so foreign to my body.’

Write a poem that begins with this line. Is it literal or metaphorical?


Earthquakes no longer feel so foreign to my body. After all, a broken tower is what I embody. Shaken and torn, now I feel forlorn. Guess it’s no wonder ‘gainst friends the warn. A scale of one to ten, I rate it lower, As time goes by, I grow much slower, And I know that it’s alright if I just reach the light! Yet there’s no ladder that I can climb and no one to help me. One day the tower finally falls, destroyed and left alone. Try to stifle panic in because why should that be known? Keep it in, for when it’s time, my wrongs I will atone. A scale of one to ten, the rate grows lower, Close my eyes, but time goes slower, And I know that it’s the end, so I’ll never my friend! There’s no one there to hold my hand and no one to set me free. Earthquakes are all I’ve felt in my bones. After all, life hardly lets you sit upon thrones. Broken and gone, I turned out a pawn. Guess it’s no wonder why, like others, I’m withdrawn.
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