This Isnt Based On The Prompt

Like i said, This isnt based on the prompt, just wanted to share a story i wrote.

(Wings of Fire AU, again)

Opal searched the library for a scroll about what rainwings eat, trying to make sure everything was accurate before the academy opened. It was late into the night, the day before the academy opened for the year, he should've had everything ready by now, he knew that, but after the explosion in the history cave the previous year, he was still replacing scrolls for Webs.

He was sorting through the fruits that Glory had brought him the previous day, when he heard claws clattering from down the hall. He quickly ducked behind the counter in the prey hall. Even though he knew it was most likely just one of the other staff members, his paranoia got the better of him.

From behind the counter he saw a panicked nightwing dart past the prey hall entrance and down the hall, he questioned who it could be, although there was only to nightwings that were staff, Starflight and Fatespeaker, even though Stonemover lived in the mountain, there's no way it would've been him. Opal crouched down to the floor so he wouldn't have been visible to anybody passing by the counter, on the more likely chance that it wasn't a staff member, the dragon could be dangerous, and he's not one to take chances.

“Hello?” he heard the nightwing call from the sleeping quarters, it wasn't the voice of any of the staff. The voice had sounded particularly familiar, though. Opal heard the clicking of claws on the stone floor again, seeing out of the corner of his eye that the nightwing had entered the prey hall. He noticed the specific shade of green that seemed to undercoat the nightwings scales; there was only one nightwing he had seen with that color of scales. It had to have been Moonwatcher!

Opal slowly emerged from behind the counter, looking up at Moonwatcher, seeing that she was very panicked. He was about to ask her what was wrong but she spoke first.

“Opal! There's a new prophecy, I've spent hours trying to figure it out and I think it concerns the academy!”

(cliff hanger :0 ) (i literally wrote from the prologue to ‘his younger sister’ in an hour and 11 minutes :) )

Chapter one

Siris Climbed through the trees above the marshy mangrove below, slightly slowed down by the bag he had around his neck. He watched as the alligators below swarmed, he knew he’d be doomed if he slipped and fell, he had no idea how to fight, especially underwater.

He was just a few miles from his and his siblings house, but it seemed so far away. He frequently questioned why his parents decided to live in the mangroves after ex-Queen Wasp’s defeat, maybe to escape from the grassland while the trees grew back over the years? Whatever the reason, he and his siblings were stuck there because only his older brother was able to reinforce the web, having gone through his metamorphosis years earlier.

Once he arrived at he and his siblings house, he found only his younger sister, Azure, who said that their brother had gone to find food a few hours before.

That was just before nightfall, it was now late into the night, and their brother had still not returned. Siris was worried, but had still managed to get Azure to bed before the moons had fully risen. (this kinda seems like a second prologue.. anyways) The mangrove forest was eerily quiet for this time of night, it had the previous nights as well, Siris was laying down and considering going and asking if anyone had seen him, the leafwing village was only a mere thirty minute walk from the mangroves. But he knew he couldn't leave Azure alone, she was only three.

He might not have been able to leave her there alone, but maybe he could carry her in the satchel he used to carry things when he traveled through the mangroves.

(1/?? Im gonna continue this weather or not i ignore the prompt or listen to it)

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