Tasked with hosting your friend's engagement celebration, you throw an elaborate party in a forest.

The Darkness

I surrendered to the darkness.

Him and I were never meant to cross roads,

The chances of us meeting was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Yet there we are, entwined in destiny's inexplicable design.

We hide away from the world

We sit in a secluded grove where time seems to stand still.

No one can know,

That I surrendered to the darkness.

That I, the preachers daughter,

Surrendered to the darkness.

The son of the enemy,

it was as if he was Frankenstein.

The Monster,

My monster.

No one appreciated him.

No one was allowed to.

But I, I wasn’t like the other town folks

I surrendered to the darkness.

I hold him every night under the stars,

Once I no longer hear the footsteps of the curious and the judgmental.

We find solace in the whispers of the wind,

In the shadows cast by the moon.

I go under his wing, sneaking away from the world.

Each night, under the shroud of secrecy,

We unearthed truths long buried beneath layers of prejudice and fear.

We’re like Dracula,

Only able to come out at night.

But alas, the dreadful nights comes when we are seen.

I, the preachers daughter was caught with the monster.

Whispers spread like wildfire, and judgment lurked in every corner.

Father’s words echo my mind like a horrid cry.

“You are to never come back!”

“You chose the darkness, the desire, the thrill.”

“You surrendered to the darkness.”

And with that, I run away with the monster.

I turn away, never to come back.

I regret that choice.

I regretted it as soon as we got to the woods.

The monster,

My monster,

The man I trusted.

The sick, sadistic gleam in his eyes,

The disgusting look that spoke a thousand words etched across his face,

Right as I felt that agonizing pain twist in my heart

I look down and see it,

The wooden stake piercing me open,

Like a sheep to the slaughter,

My body fell.

Blood pools around my limp body

And the last thing I hear,

The voice I once found comfort in,

From the monster I trusted,

Laughing maniacally and looking at me like I was a piece of meat,

All before it goes dark,

And to the darkness,

I surrender.

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