In a story of only 300 words, write a scene where your protagonist must confront someone they've been upset with for a while.
How can you maximise the impact of this scene in such a short space?
300 days
300 days of unrequieted silence.
300 days of slowly but surely drifting apart.
Our once merged worlds breaking away and floating further into the void.
Rain splattered against my face as I trecked up the steps and up to the rooftop. We were two unrecognizable beings now, wearing different skins and walking the earth with a new purpose.
I found him leaning against the railing, gazing up at the sky with a newfound darkness seeped into his eyes. Lightning lit the sky with a haze of electric blue. Soon, I was unable to distinguish my tears from the icy rain.
For months, my mind was ridden with the memory of that night. The echoing slam of the front door, and the relentless pain of waking up to an empty bed.
“Warren,” I whispered.
Silence that almost felt deafening followed.
“Warren, please,” My voice shattered. My heart ached. I was so tired. I was exhausted with the endless cruelty and unspoken words. I wanted to be whole again. Complete.
Warren’s chest rose and fell with every breath. I let my fingers skin down the faintest pink scar on my forearm.
_“Will you tell me how you got it?” He asked in the undisturbed silence of our room. I was wrapped in his arms, shirt undone. The warmth of his skin kept me bundled through the frosty air of December. _
_“My dad,” I laughed, shaking my head to rid myself of the memory I discarded years ago. “It’s a long story.”_
_Warren pressed his lips to my forehead. “I have all the time in the world.” _
My bones rattled. “What did I do, Warren?”
He let his eyes meet mine.
“That’s the thing, Lia,” He murmured. “You always need someone to fill you up. You wore me out.”
And then he’s gone. __