Inspired by lori_potato
You've kindly been using your magic to heal people, but discover that in the long term it's killing them...
What’s The Worst That Could Happen?
As long as he could remember, Jacob always wanted to be a doctor. He’s always wanted to help people. Jacob was a kind young man, with a good heart, but med school was so difficult and so competitive. He couldn’t afford the education and what he learned in class never stuck. He tried hard to understand the material, but couldn’t. Maybe because he’d rather go for a walk or be around friends, than be studying.
While scrolling through his phone one day, Jacob learns of another way he may be able to heal people. An ancient method, but something guaranteed to work. Jacob skimmed through a few articles and landed on an Amazon link for a book. A book on ancient healing spells. Magic? Well, it’s only $2.99, what the worst that could happen?
A few days later Jacob receives a package at his door. The book of spells. Now what? How can he find out if this works? He begins skimming through the book and stumbles upon a spell that brings back people’s memories. Jacob’s grandmother, who now lives in a nursing home, suffers from dementia. This could be a great way to test this magic, and if it doesn’t work then he only wasted $2.99.
Later that day, Jacob goes to the nursing home and casts the spell on his grandmother. He follows each step very carefully and miraculously it works! His grandmother remembers everything. Jacob is so excited he performs the same spell on everyone in the nursing home who has memory loss. Then he heals everyone else from any other disabilities they have.
He’s so happy with his new found power that he turns his little magic show into a business. He begins charging people little nothing to heal very serious illnesses and disabilities. He’s very open about where he found this magic and the book he found on Amazon. Over the course of two months, Jacob heals hundreds of people.
Exactly 66 days after healing his grandmother, Jacob receives a phone call from his father informing him that his grandmother has passed away. I few hours later, Jacob begins receiving a lot of phone calls from numbers he doesn’t know and people he’s never met, all telling him that their loved one has died.
Jacob is very confused about what is happening. Over the next few days dozens more call complaining about the deaths of loved ones and many people threaten to take legal action. Jacob is arrested and charged with 207 cases of manslaughter.
The prosecution’s first piece of evidence, an excerpt from Jacob’s book of healing spells that clearly states that this magic comes with a price. 66 days after each ritual, death would come for whoever was affected by the spell. Jacob missed this because he never felt the need to read the entire book. It was only $2.99, what’s the worst that could happen?