By Joshua Coleman @ Unsplash

Your neighbour has put up some halloween decorations, but you're worried about how realistic the skeletons are...
Dead Or Alive?
The candlelight ignites a golden aura around the dark living room. I’m currently sitting on the warmth of my armchair, the television crackling In front of me as the rain poured down outside. My cat was curled on my lap, purring softly.
I look up as I hear a scream, and then silence. My head starts throbbing, telling me something is wrong. Even my cats fur has spiked up. She is hissing at the window, arching her back at something outside in a protective manner. I stand up, squinting to look out of my shutters at the dark row of houses. My neighbour, Nina, is digging something into the ground.
Nina has always done a lot of decoration for Halloween. But as I look out at the window, I start to realise how realistic the skeletons look. There is lanterns placed on their heads, some wearing clothing that looks… used.
She is whistling loudly, oblivious to the thunder that sounds above. A frown forms on my forehead as I watch her. My cat is hissing loudly now, alarming me. I squint more to see better, and my eyes widen when I see her putting a skeleton outside. I catch a glimpse of a torn limb, most likely a leg. It doesn’t look synthetic.
There is blood splattered over her patio with cobwebs hanging from the Jack O’ lanterns. The leg is piked into the ground. I watch in fear as she covers it with soil, hanging some clothing on the skeleton.
I cover my mouth as if I need to keep silent as I watch her. She walks back into her house as if nothing had ever happened.
I look out at the skeleton, dread filling me. A wave of nausea hits as I look away, feeling as if I’m going to puke.
But when I look away, I catch a glimpse of the skeletons arm moving.
My head snap back to the window, my eyes wide. It’s hand is twitching and pointing at me.