Inspired by 'no name'
"Everyone here is alive because of them."
"Everyone here is dead because of them."
Use either of theses pieces of speech in a story in any genre.
The Flesh Raiders
“They have landed”
“It is THEM, isn’t it?”
“Indeed, it is.” The men could hardly talk, due to their lips quaking. A solitary tear fell from the taller man’s eye, without him even think about it. “We are going to die, aren’t we.” The smaller man almost whispered.
“I reckon so.” Responded the other. “Look there, the Flesh Raiders are disembarking from the spacecraft.” A few rat-like Orcs with skinny bodies and long noses scuttled from the mothership. After the Orcs had disembarked, a larger, twenty foot tall Ogre with an extra mouth on its stomach.
“I have heard stories, but I never thought that the Ogres were actually that big” The smaller man said, while hyperventilating.
“That doesn’t matter anyways… Evan!” The taller man screamed in the most cowardly way a man could. “They are coming our way! Look!”
“We have to run!”
“It is too late, Evan”
“No it isn’t…” Evan, the smaller man, couldn’t finish his sentence before George, the tall man, slit his throat with his pocket knife. Evan couldn’t even scream. He was sad to see his friend dead, but he understood the reasoning quite well. ‘Everyone here is dead because of THEM anyways. Right?’ Those were the last thoughts Evan ever processed, before he was crushed by the club of the Ogre.
“Don’t eat that one!” Yelled one of the Orcs to the slimy Ogre. “His skin looks like it would fetch a high price. Human skin always does.”