You are attending your first funeral. Write a poem about the experience and how it makes you feel.
Choose a specific style of poetry that would be suitable for this prompt.
The Sky Is Blue
The sky is blue
Looking in you wouldn’t a clue
Of how this procession
Feels made for two
Twin blank expressions
The grass is green
Alive as I, I mean
As I look to her still
At just over fifteen
Jealous on the hill
My dress is black
A row besides the plaque
Feeling I’ll and distant
As if in a flashback
A voice whispers insistent
The grave is brown
Six feet down
Drawing me near
Towards the bone made crown
Deep below the ground
The sky is blue
Looking in you wouldn’t a clue
Of my wish to go through
With that dark wish so taboo
Of being next in the queue
My skin is pale
Like a ghost from folktale
Breath becoming stale
As I dream of a nail
Through my own coffin impales
Let me past the veil
The sky is blue