Write a descriptive scene about a character forced to use a unique mode of transportation.

Fight Or Flight

War is a painful place to find yourself.

Siegfried sent reinforcements to the battle against the Heathens in the form of a gliding unit. One of their newest recruits, Travis Mayfair, looked down to the fray. Men were screaming, but from the cliffs, they looked like ants.

He waited to enter to the fight, thinking to himself how he would fight, maybe even save lives, returning to his city as a hero.

“Gliders at the ready!” With readied hands, the soldiers ran and jumped. Triangular gliders flew down, which carried the men to important places in the fight.

And that’s where Travis found himself. He wore full armor. A sword at his side, a glider over his head. A family back home that were proud of him. With the perfect spot, he let the glider do the work and took in the moving grounds below him as his vision of the war came more and more into focus.

At first, the men looked as though the battles were nothing but quick bouts. Though as his vision neared the slaughter of men, the struggling of his own, and the Heathens who delighted in making them suffer, the sight turned his stomach.

Midair, he lost his lunch over the battlefield. Afterwards, his arms began to shake, his body’s instincts took over, and they screamed, “No! No! Not doing this!” The glider turned up almost against his will, but not entirely, because he knew he did it out of fear.

The glider continued to fly over the fight until it passed it entirely. He landed in a batch of branches, a fair distance from the fight. He dropped his glider, climbed down, and looked back at the battle.

He kept trying to draw his sword to fight, but his shaking hand refused to pull the blade. The failure was too much for him. He turned away from the fight and ran deep into the forest, believing himself not worth what little society would pity him with after his cowardice.

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