It’s the middle of November and I'm trudging through three feet of snow because, much to my dismay, bodies don't just bury themselves.

Write a story starting with this sentence.

Snow Fall

It’s the middle of November and I’m trudging through three feet of snow because, much to my dismay, bodies don’t just bury themselves. Burying myself in the snow feels just about right for this moment in time, I’m so sick of living this pathetic life and my girls are better off without me.

Petra’s phone kept ringing but to see it’s Jane she sent it to voicemail, she throws her phone into the snow and lies down hoping she would die. A little while later a wolf comes near Petra while she is sleeping tearing through her bag that is beside her that contains little food but Petra awakes when she hears the rustling. Petra screams before she tries to sprint away from the wolf but comes bumping into a hunter who shoots it to protect her. “Ma’am you shouldn’t be out here alone, what are you doing out here?” Asked Jacob. Petra looks down at her very cold pale blue hands with tears in her eyes “I want to die my two girls are better off without me, they have their father and step mother”. Jacob looks at petra with sorrow while shaking his head “You don’t wish to die your having a bad day, let me take you back to the lodge and get you cleaned up and warm? Maybe a little food?” Petra hesitates but as Jacob wraps his coat around her as the snow storm begins to hit again she starts to walk.

Jacob and Petra make it to the lodge and they are both very wet and cold. Jacob opens the door and ushers Petra inside, as Jacob closes the door Petra starts to strip off. Jacob starts the wood log fire to warm up the lodge a little “hey, I made the fire so when your done in the shower or bath you have somewhere warm to sit” Petra looks up and smiles “thank you, you didn’t have to do this for me I’m a complete stranger” Petra explains. Jacob scratches his chin “your right you are but I seen a woman in need and I know I needed to help her. I couldn’t just leave you out there”.

Petra is lying in bed alone as Jacob offered to sleep on the sofa the other side of the room but neither of them are sleeping. Petra sits up in bed and sighs while she thinks that Jacob is asleep “what’s wrong? I can hear you sighing?” Jacob says with an exhausted tone in his voice. Petra stays quiet for a few minutes and Jacob sits up on the sofa “hey, I know you only met me today but I want to help if I can?”

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