Consider where you want your story to end. Now write a short story detailing what happens the day after that final moment.

Thinking about the story after the ending might help you work out if you have ended it in the right place.

What Happened After

Brady woke up early the next morning and realized that for the first time maybe in his life, he felt no tension, no anxiety. He turned his head and watched Mimi sleeping next to him, her face so serene and so beautiful. He couldn’t believe how much time the two of them had wasted in trying to stay away from each other, when all the stars had always been aligned to force them together. He rolled over and snuggled up next to her, and she stretched then looked over at him.

“You’re awake.” She smiled at him and then kissed him on the nose. “I love you, Brady.”

“I adore you, Mimi. I was just thinking how much your dad and my Aunt Mattie would love the fact that we figured out what they had known all along.”

“What’s that?”

“That no matter where we wandered, no matter how far afield we went, we would always find our way back to each other. I feel like I am really, truly home, Mimi.”

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