Curiosity Kills The Cat.

COME ON YOU GUYS!!!! WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW!!! I spoke and ran further into the forest. WHY ARE YOU SO FAST!!!! One of my friends, Carl spoke as he panted heavily from running, but kept going after me. As my other 3 friends, Emily, John, Katy. Ran past Carl as they chased after me laughing. Come on Carl, catch up!!!! Katy yelled over at Carl as they started to gain up on me. I ran fast and jumped over a log. The others continued to chase me until we got really deep into the forest as I stopped to catch my breath. I sat down under a tree panting heavily as the others finally caught up with me and sat down beside me. Why do you guys always run Carl said as he layed down on the grass. Oh come on Carl, isn’t fun to run through the forest? I asked as I chuckled slightly and stood up. Um no I don’t know what you guys see in running. Carl whined. I’d rather be doing this then spending time with my crazy family anyway. Emily stated as she flicked her hair back. Running is great I wouldn’t miss our little session for nothing. John stated as he stood up and put a arm around my shoulder. And look at that we went farther then we did last time. Katy stated with a smile and looked around the forest as she layed on the ground with Carl. I turned to look around the place. Please don’t tell me we are going to run again Carl stated as he looked at me noticing me standing up. No how about we explore, this is a new place we haven’t seen so let’s have some fun. I said with a smile as I looked at the rest of the group and they nodded. As we all stood up thank you Carl whispered to the sky in a way like he was praying as he was happy that we weren’t running again. As we walked around the forest I spotted a cave and walked over to it. Hey guys, do you know what I’m thinking? I spoke with a crazy chuckle and looked at them. Oh I’m so ready for this John stated as he matched my crazy energy. As long as I’m away from my awful household I’m okay with anything. Emily declared as she crossed her arms and walked next to me. I smiled and looked at my other two friends my eyes telling them that it’ll be fun. Carl looked I to the cave this is how people get killed in horror movies Carl said as he looked at us like we were insane, but I already knew that. Oooh maybe we’ll find some crazy human skulls or monster~ Katy uttered into Carls ear trying to scare him. Come on Carl imagine how fun it would be. And besides do you really want to be out here alone while we go inside this cave together. I said as I walked over to him and looked around the forest trying to get him to see my point. The forest was quiet and the only thing you could hear were occasional leaves moving and the sounds of crickets and insects. F-Fine but only because I don’t want to be left alone okay remember I warned you guys Carl said as he crossed his arms and walked next to us ready to go. I already knew Katy was coming she does more dangerous things then I can even think of. Are you ready? I asked everyone and they nodded. I smiled and walked inside the cave as they followed behind me we walked slowly and I pulled out my flashlight from my pocket and turned it on pointing it inside the cave so we could see where we were going. Whoa this cave is big I said as I looked around. Yeah, and terrifying Carl stated as he grabbed my shoulder. Suddenly the cave shock and the entrance of the cave collapsed with rocks. Closing us inside. Whoa!!! Careful!! I yelled to the others as We fell to the ground from the earthquake. Oh great we’re stuck now I knew this place was bad news. Carl whined. I grabbed my flashlight from off the ground as I was about to turn it back on I noticed a light coming from inside the cave. Hey guys, maybe there’s another way out I stayed as I pointed towards the little bit of light coming from one of the tunnels in the cave. They all looked towards it. Oh great now we are going to go deeper into the cave what a great idea Carl said sarcastically. You got a better idea? John asked Carl as he raised an eyebrow at him. Come on guys enough arguing we need to find a way out or we could stay here forever can you imagine it having fun together, seeing eachother everyday,I don’t have to see my family Emily stated as she looked like she feel in love with the idea of staying in a cave forever. You guys are so slow hurry up Katy yelled as she was running towards the tunnel and further in the cave. Hey, Katy!!! Wait up we should go together!!! I yelled as I ran after her. I guess not Emily responded to herself with a sigh as she followed me along with the others. We chased after Katy. All of a sudden Katy stopped she stopped smiling and her face had gone a bit pale. I wonder what did she see. I ran faster towards her. I had a bad feeling about this. What’s wrong with Katy? John asked as he followed my pace and the others tryed to catch up. I don’t know I said as I finally got to Katy and put a hand on her shoulder. Hey Katy what did you see? I asked as I looked where she was looking and saw a giant wolf glaring and growling right at us. It looked like it was prepared to eat us alive. Everyone froze in fear my blood ran cold. The wolf charged at us as it tryed to eat us alive. Finally, snapping out of my fear state. I pushed Katy and yanked Emily with me. As I noticed John grabbing Carl with him. We quickly moved out of the way, but got separated. I hid behind a gaint rock with Emily and Katy. John and Carl were behind a different rock on the other side. Crap, what do we do. I thought to myself. Wow, what is that thing it almost made me want to go back to my family. Emily spoke as she came next to me peaking over the rock at the giant wolf. I- I don’t know I stated as I looked at my pale hands that were teems bit in fear, but that was way too close, we almost died. I looked up at the wolf and around him for a way out or some sort of plan to pop into my head, so we could get together and away. I turned and saw the exit of the cave and a plan popped into my head. I got it I whispered to Emily and Katy. I looked over at them and noticed Katy…..was gone. Where did Katy go? I asked as I looked around worried that she would get herself into trouble. Oh she ran towards the wolf Emily spoke calmly like it was a normal thing to do. Carl screamed Katy!!! what are you doing? Am I really with a group of psychos? I was only joking before!!!! I looked over at them as I saw Katy climbing on the wolfs back. The wolf was jumping and trying to shake her off causing earthquakes in the cave. I looked over at the exit of the cave it was started to collapse. Emily I need you to run over to the exit while Katy is distracting the wolf. Forget about a plan since things turned into this just go for it I’ll be right with you once I get to John and Carl. I spoke to Emily as she nodded and ran towards the exit. I can’t believe I’ll be the first one leaving, my family would be prouded, but it’s not like a care Emily said as she ran outside the exit and looked into the cave waiting for us. I jumped over the rock and ran towards John and Carl dodge oh the wolfs paws as it jumped around trying to get Katy off him. Katy’s a menace to society. Carl stated as he watched her giggleing while climbing the wolf. John the exit is that way run over their with Carl, Emily should be waiting for you over there!!!! I yelled to them as I jumped on the wolf and climbed up towards Katy. I never thought I would ever like running until now!!!! Carl yelled as he ran tow the exit that I pointed at. John hesitated for a moment but I smiled at him as my eyes told him everything will be okay. He nodded and followed after Carl as they escaped and got out of the cave they waited with Emily for me and Katy. I climbed higher up the wolf and yelled. Katy!!! Come on we need to leave I said as I took offf my jacket carefully so I wouldn’t fall off the wolf and tied it on his fur so I could keep him distracted on the feeling on his fur.I’m glad I filled the pockets full of rocks from behind the huge rock I hid behind. Aww but I’m having so much fun!!! Katy yelled back as she giggled. Seriously Katy, we’ll have fun lter come on!!! I yelled and she pouted. Fine geez she said as she climbed down with me. We jumped down once we reached the woods ankle so we wouldn’t get stomped on. Since the wolf was jumping and trying to get the jacket I tied to him off. It seems he thinks the jacket is us that’s perfect. Me and Katy ran out of the cave. Hearing the wolf howl behind us. I guess it did t take him long to take my jacket off him. John ran and hugged me and Katy. I’m glad you guys are safe. He mumbled. Of course I’ll be safe I’ll strong!! Katy said with confidence and chuckled. Let’s go home!! Please!! Carl said as I smiled and said okay let’s go. Ugh, nevermind I prefer spending Time with the wolf. Emily said as we all laughed except for Emily and Katy who was a bit confused on why we were laughing as we walked back to the exit of the forest. After all that we went home and got ours small scratches and bruises checked and bandaged. That was a adventure they would never forget that’s for sure. A core memory that will stay forever between these friends. The End.

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