Write a short story about a family preparing for a special day.

Although you can detail what it is they're preparing for, focus on the family dynamic and interactions of the characters.

Perfect Day Off

Justin always woke up extra early to take Alana to his parents before he went to work. Only time we would have a family day was when he had the same day off. Those days I would let him sleep in and me and Alana would go watch Pappa or Transylvania. This is when she started liking coffee too so that became one of our routines we tried to do. Me and Alana favorite morning routine was definitely when all three of us would brush our teeth together. I miss those mornings. Those one on one times with Alana. I guess at that point after all the cheating and deceiving we didn’t have much to talk about anymore, either that or we are too scared to say the wrong thing and ruin the day. At this point we would try to avoid having the same days off but that also meant less time with Alana.

Dealing with bipolar depression had me rambling in and out of topics.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that at the end of it all it was really hard almost impossible for us to have a special family day…

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