Bloodred Magic, Part II

There was still a chance. As long as she kept the demon talking, there was still a chance.

“Y-you know full well we never mistrusted you,” Allya countered, trying to steady her voice. The demon had been right; one wrong move and this entire planet would be nothing but dust in space.

Allya paused, gesturing to the swirling magic with the tip of her sword. “We weren’t afraid of you. We were afraid of…. that. We were afraid of what was happening to you! It was eating you alive, taking up all of your days and nights, years of your life…. All that time was lost. Don’t think we saw it, the way your eyes glowed red every time we mentioned your magic. Bit by bit, it was taking you away. We were losing you,” she said, trying desperately not to choke on her words. “We didn’t want to lose you. Taking away your magic was the only way.”

The demon snorted. “So what you’re saying is, you cared nothing about my happiness if it hindered your own. And when you had the even the slightest fear for your safety, you stamped out the threat, never mind how it wasn’t a threat at all— and how it gave me the greatest joy in the world! Oh, how selfless of you! And look where we are now.” The demon snarled, pointing to Allya’s still-raised sword. “I’d think you’d like nothing better than for me to meet my end tonight.”

“Wrong again,” Allya said. She glanced back at her mother, who was hunched over, head bowed. And Allya knew she had only one option left.

“I know what we did was wrong. I’m not asking for forgiveness, because Mama and me? We did something that can’t ever be forgiven. But despite everything, we have always loved you. We never wanted to hurt you— we thought the magic was hurting you, and we wanted you back. The old you.”

“So you couldn’t accept change,” the demon snapped. “That I was changing.”

Allya could sense it happening, the occasional cracks in the demon’s hard persona. But it hadn’t broken yet.

Her confidence grew as she plowed on. “We have always wanted the best for you, Mama and me. And we still love you.”

The demon cackled loudly. “HAH! Love? You know nothing of love. That’s a lie. It’s all a lie. Everything is a lie when it comes to you.” Her gaze sharpened as she met Allya’s eyes. “You don’t love me and you never will. Nothing you could ever do will ever change that. And because you will only ever fight against me and what I truly love, then you must be exterminated.” She offered Allya a poisonous smile. “You’re a threat. I’m going to stamp you out, just like you did to me, all those years ago.”

The demon moved her hands in a rhythmic motion, and ball of red magic expanded, glowing brighter and brighter. A strong wind swept across the land, blowing back the demon’s dark cape and long onyx-black hair, Allya watching in horror as the bloodred red color was mirrored in the demon’s eyes.

“I w-won’t let you,” Allya stammered, already feeling her knees give way in the magic. She just had to fight a little bit longer… “I’m going to prove I love you. I’m going to give the one thing you want more than anything, right now, in this moment.”

The demon growled, showing her sharp white teeth, her words loud and booming over the storm of red magic and wind. “And what is that?”

Allya’s voice was small.

“My death. Goodbye, sister.”

And with that, Allya plunged her emerald sword into her chest, the light leaving her eyes just as the last of the sun sank below the horizon and the screams of the demon were drowned out by the howling winds and streaks of blood red magic smothering them all.

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