Inspired by Silver_Fox
If your hand could reach inside my heart, what would you do with it?
Write a poem with this as the opening line
The Road To Forever
If your hand could reach my heart, what would you do with it?
How would you hold it? What might you do?
If my heart, its fate were left just to you
Would it be gentle the touch that you give
Might you, could you help me to live
If your hand could reach my heart
Would it, could it, be something to start
Would you pull your hand back if I did the same
Not the same reasons but others I’d name
Would you keep your grasp light and give with each beat
Or tighten your grip until I’m down in defeat
I ask you this now before any more
And more to my heart that’s been broken before
So long have I kept my heart under guard
It’s time to let go it should not be this hard
If I let your hand reach my heart on this day
Might you show me the same but in your own way
If at all we could try oh so slow and together
And see what becomes on the road to forever