‘Finding a way into tricky situations has never been a problem for me – although I still haven’t learned the art of getting out of them.’

Write a short story that opens with this line. Why does this character make this remark?


Finding a way into tricky situations has never been a problem for me - although I still haven’t learned the art of getting out of them. And here I am again. Right in the middle of a tricky situation.

My clothes are sticking to my body - not because of cold sweat.

Water has entered the small room.

It's already getting to my hips.

Another half hour at most and then it would be over. Then it would be my last tricky situation. I rattled the locked door once more. It just wouldn't open. I had taken extra care to leave the door open when I entered the room. I had no idea that the masked man would come after me and slam the door shut.

I looked to the side. He was still standing motionless in the corner. The others were probably already in the rescue capsule.

The water was already up to my shoulders.

I desperately shook the thick iron door that separated me from the rescue.

“Give me a hand,” what was supposed to sound like a command sounded like begging. It was no use. The man wasn't moving. With the last of my strength, I banged my fists against the door.

“Help me.” Nothing.

“Help.” Silence.

There was no one else here. Just me and the masked man. Tears were running down my cheeks.

The water was almost up to my ears. I slowly leaned against the wall. I had to accept my fate. The masked man stepped out of his corner and gave me a warm hug. Out of nowhere I was no longer cold. It felt like home. I was no longer afraid. I felt safe in the arms of the stranger. And then I knew. This was my end. From the moment I entered the room, it was my end. And for one time in my life I was able to escape. Not only this situation but life.

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