Inspired by SLW

Describe a young child's drawing as if it were a professional piece of art in a gallery. You could make it funny, or try to apply real principals of painting.
A Different Artist
Dugg loves to draw, he had been doing it all his life. But he’s different from normal artists. What if I told you that when he drew something it came true.He had discovered this at the age of 9. One day he got out his sketch book and decided to draw him getting a dog from his mum, because he had always wanted a dog. He had never shown this drawing to his mum so there was no way she New that Dugg drew it the day before. He loved his power, because he could get whatever he wanted. He would usually draw his mum giving him things like more pets, sweets and something to play video games on. In his whole life he has only told one other person, this was his friend Douglas. At first Douglas didn’t believe him, who would? But after a few things happened after he drew it he was persuaded that it was real. It was 15th April 2019 when Dugg did his biggest drawing yet. It was him getting owned a certificate which stated “ you now own Disney Land.” The next day he got an email from someone called Doug Doug it said “ Hello Dugg, I’m Dugg Dugg. You now own Disney Land, bye now.” Dugg was so happy he arranged to shut down Disney for 2 days so he could just go in it. It was the most fun he had ever had, but it was missing something, and that was other people so he opened it up again and got the rest of his life he went on Splash mountain at least 8 times a day.