"I hate to say this, but not long at all," they said.

Using this line as the last line, write a story

The train ride

Two brothers entered the train to London and took their seats near the back of the train, one pulled out his earphones and started listening to his music, and out on some OutKast, the other pulled out a book, the meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

They were a portion way through the ride when they noticed an elderly woman distressed, she had evidently been crying, it was written on her face, her eyes all puffy and distressed, one of the brother put down his book and asked her if everything was alright. She looked back at him with a worried and scared face and said that her grandson had been involved in a car accident and it was looking like he would never walk again, she just got news of it whilst on the train ride, the brother stunned, was lost for words, how could he possibly comprehend what emotions this woman was going through, and offer her some piece of consolation, it was an almost impossible task, he with a totally stunned face plastered over his face, uttered out a response “I...I am sorry” but before he could finish the other brother who at this point had taken out his headphones, abruptly added to the conversation “ma’am I deeply emphasise with this situation honestly the world amazes me with its unpredictable nature but that’s just what it is - unpredictable, who knows where we will be in 5, 10 years time(!) hell even in 5 days time” with a calculated and cool dementor, she then stuttered in her response “but... he’s 21 and he’ll never walk again!” Shocked at how the man could be so calm about the matter. He took a moment then responded “21 and still breathing still on this planet with life, still has a purpose maybe altered somewhat but nether the less still here” he added “I am deeply saddened by this incident but the best thing to do now would be to allow time to heal this wound and move on, do everything in your power to help him overcome”. The other brother and the woman sat back eyes white, astonished and left speechless. The announcer on the train then spoke out “not long at all till we reach to London” and a powerful wave of calmness and strange upbeat positivity hit the three passengers and others who had heard the conversation, the brother softly announced“not long at all”

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