The lead actor and actress for a show do not get along. Their newest production has led to them being cast as love interests.

Continue the story of how this pair manages acting together.


“Georgina! Why did they cast us together!? This is ridiculous!”

“Caitlyn, the director wanted some explosive chemistry happening between the two once they become each other’s love interests”

“Ugh, how annoying.”

“Caitlyn, you’ve been doing this for more than a couple of decades, I mean, you’ve been acting since you were like, what, three?”

“Yes and it annoys me when I’m put together with some wannabe idol with no decent career..!”

“Well excuuuuse, me.”

Caitlyn froze.


“Y’know, jus cos you’ve been at this for long, duz’n mean you’re good at this.”

Caitlyn looked at Sean in disbelief.


“Wow, what?”

“I’m amazed. Just a lil’ bit more rudeness and you might win an award. Your first ever award of any sort in your short career, if you can call it that.”

“And you’re not being rude, badmouthing a fellow actor like that, Miss I’m-so-much-better-than-you-jus-cos-I’ve-been-at-this-longer?”

“Oh, I’ve got a portfolio to prove my career, Sean. On the other hand, I didn’t even know you were an actor.”

Sean bit his lower lip.

“Caitlyn, as your manager, I think I should say that I think that’s enough.”

“What?! Oh c’mon Georgina, how am I supposed to work with him?! He is so obnoxious and rude!!”

“Well, treating each other like this is not going to make it better.”

“..I need some air.”

Caitlyn left the small meeting room of her agency.

She stepped outside and looked up. Her phone vibrating away in her pocket.

She was sick of the death threats she received from Sean’s fans on social media. And the messages of pleas from acquaintances for his autograph or photo.

She thought the rage from the army of fans of Sean, towards herself, for being casted as his love interest, were more likely to back off if she acted as if she didn’t like him. She also thought it would be easier for Sean to get into character if he thought she was a snobby bi*ch.

Not easy though when Caitlyn thought Sean was the cutest thing that ever walked on the planet since his debut as a teenage idol.

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