Your main character gets a flashback when they feel the fabric of a crushed velvet dress...
Shadows of the Renaissance
She hadn't been expecting it, and that's why she reacted so strongly. Velvet was horribly outdated, after all. It never surpassed the popularity it reach during the Renaissance.
So, when Francesca came across the deep, green velvet dress among a donation pile and felt it's plush, rich texture for the first time in centuries, it sent her reeling. Her memories launched her back to a night she hadn't though of in quite literally a lifetime, back to a time where she wore a dress similar to the one currently underneath her fingers.
A castle in the idellic Italian countryside was a magnificent place for a ball to be held. With everything emerging from the Renaissance, it was a rather exciting time to be out in society. Francesca lived for the days where she could dress like a princess in a velvet gown and float across the dance floor the night amongst the upper class circles. The melodies of the string instruments sounded as if they were raining down from the heavens. She still felt Lorenzo’s touch like a whisper on her olive skin, endlessly twirling her around the ballroom. At the time, it had been the greatest night of her life. She was in love and carefree. She had no idea what fate had in store for her future.
Just as quickly as Francesca was drawn into the memories, she was ripped just as harshly back to present day, tears streaming down her face. She refocused herself on her job of sorting clothes in the back room of a consignment shop. At the same time, she was trying to decide what her next move would be as she navigated her agonizingly endless existence.