Submitted by Freddie

Life Without You

Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.

A Little Quieter

The days might be a little quieter, filled with more indecision and far more regret. Losing a carefree, motivating factor like yourself would be the end of the striving and thriving you see before you today. Striving and thriving might be as distant of a memory, as the emblem of hope and protection our fair country America used to be.

Salute, a fallen image. Tainted and tarted by these greedy, spineless politicians we look up to. These politicians we put our trust in, hoping for a little more than empty promises. Like the kid who sits waiting for the father who never arrives to save the day, we people sit believing in a future we may never access again; not with these leaders in front of us today.

Nobody to hear rants like these when you leave, when you’re gone; “when” as if you aren’t already. But, I stand here at your casket imagining what you were like. The stability I needed, the emotional glue holding me together.

The shot of euphoria I need at the beginning of each day, the peak I need at the end of each journey through the valley.

The sun rose and set with you here, I’m not quite sure it’ll continue after you’ve departed. Not in this life of mine. A new northern light will need to be attained, a new motivation.

You, will be missed.

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