You Are Worthy 

In the depths of despair,

Amidst the shadows of sorrow,

I see you, weary soul,

Lost in the labyrinth of resentment.

But listen closely,

For in the silence,

There is a symphony of hope,

Echoing through the corridors of your heart.

You've spent so long,

Trapped in the maze of anger,

Trapped in a cycle of suffering…

Blinded to the beauty,

That surrounds you.

But it's never too late

To open your eyes,

To let go of the past,

And embrace the infinite possibilities,

Of tomorrow.

Release the weight of bitterness,

Let it slip through your fingers,

Like grains of sand,

For holding onto the anger,

Only anchors you down,

When you were meant to soar.

Know this,

There are hearts that beat for you,

Lovers of your beautiful light

Who would be shattered,

If you were to fade into the night.

So believe in the power,

That resides within you,

For you are capable Of moving mountains,

Of painting your own sky,

With the colors of your dreams.

And though the road ahead,

May seem daunting,

Know that I walk beside you,

For I have journied,

Through the darkness,

And emerged into the light.

So take my hand,

And let us wander together,

Into the dawn of a new day,

Where the beauty of life awaits,

In all its wondrous forms.

And let go,

Of fear and regret

That burden your heart.

For you, my dear friend,

Are deserving of every joy,

Every love,

Every dream.

Everything you’ve ever wished for,

You have the power to obtain.

And you are worthy of it all

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