by Rayson Tan @ Unsplash

You are walking down the street, when you look up and see this. Continue the story...

Is He Bout To Fall!!

Is he about to fall? Or is that an angle?? Wait, how much coffee did I drink today? Why am I just standing here doing nothing? I should probably call 911. No maybe not. Maybe they’ll think I’m crazy if I’m imagining it. Or they might say, “bruh, he’s a worker and he’s just checking the windows.” Hehe oops, my bad. Plus I’m scared of cops. I think ima just take a picture of the dude. He looks kinda Asian from here. Idk let me just call my mama. Cause I know I can count on her like one two three. 😅 I’m not funny right? Anyways. “Mamamama, hello this is your beautiful daughter 😁. No mama I’m not eating McDonalds again. 🙄 Oh wait mama, I have to go. sorry, call you later.” I confirm it’s real !! The dude just fell of that big tall building. And I’m not panicked because I just discovered what’s happening here. They are doing an experiment and he’s fine. Apparently he is Asian and he landed on hay. Yea, típical movie thing haha 😆. Bruh, I’m late for work.( starts running)

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