'I guess it was all in vain.'

Write a story which ends with this line. What has led your character to think like this?

All In Vain


“How long now?” I asked inquisitively. “3 hours till the big show!” Replied Phoebe. Me and Phoebe were great friends ever since we met 3 months ago; I auditioned to be in a musical production of Moana and I got the lead role. Phoebe joined to paint sets.

I’d spent months rehearsing my lines, practicing my dances and singing the songs all for a moment in 3 hours time. 3 hours time, it felt as if my life had built up to this moment even when it clearly hadn’t.


I was pacing back and forth in the small dressing room when someone shouted me, “ Maya your turn, come and get your makeup on”. I sat down in the leathery chair as the man did my makeup. My eyes stared at the mirror and an unrecognisable face stared back.


Panic was beginning to set in amongst us all as the clock ticked slowly towards 1 o’clock. A lady named Natasha was helping me into my first costume: it was an orange patterned top and a tattered cream skirt with an orange sash tied neatly around it. And, on my neck, lay a beautiful necklace with a blue crystal on the front. Once I was dressed I looked in the mirror, I was ready.


“Break a leg!” Encouraged Phoebe, “not literally though,”. I smiled, thankful of her encouragement and stepped out onto the stage. Bright lights blinded my eyes as I looked out into the audience and sang my first song. People joined me on the stage and we danced and danced. Then something happened. Someone knocked into me and I stumbled, falling into a nearby prop. I heard the rip of my skirt. Blue jewels of water collected in my eyes. I began to cry, I couldn’t think of anything else to do. So I ran of stage and didn’t look back.

I guess it was all in vain.

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