Young Lady

I wake up alone. Not really something special there but more alone then normally. Like I can’t see anything alone, that’s not normal for me.

Honestly I just kinda still feel groggy and like my worlds been flipped upside down today. Huh, wait a minute I am upside down. That’s what’s up. All the blood in my heads making me think all weird.

“Oi boss she’s awake.” I hear a gruff smoke filled voice says. Ah so I’m not actually alone here. What could they possibly want from me?

The sound of a door could be heard echoing throughout the room. “Loud and clear Brick, lower her down a bit for me would you.” A sombrely dark voice chimed. “I wanna have a little chat with our guest.”

With the rattling and rumbling of a chain pulley system I feal myself slowly begin to drop. There’s a sudden jolt in the process leaving me swinging a little like a cat toy.

“Yo Brick be gentle would you. It’s coming from your wallet if it breaks.” The yet unnamed voice barked. Brick must be new to this. The swaying suddenly stopped as a strong grip grabbed at both arms tied beside me.

“Now young lady, do you know why your here.” The boss says slipping a bit more honey into his voice then he did with his comrade. Awe he’s playing nice for now, how cute.

“Where am I? Who are you?” I say in the most panicked way I can muster.

“Oh sweetheart you don’t need that information.” He says acting like the king of the world talks to a rat. This won’t be as easy as I thought. “Young lady, it has been brought to our attention that you have some… information.”

What dose he know? Actually, thinking on it I only know Brick at the moment. Who am I talking to exactly? I remain quiet.

“You my dear, know the location of the black-jewel charm don’t you.” He states like a fact. Ah that’s what this crook is after. Fair enough. That things great. I can see why he’s after it but I’m not giving it up that easily.

“I never heard of that in my life! You got the wrong person!” I say keeping up the act of a scared young girl.

“Shut up and stop lying! I know who you are and I know you know where it is!” He shouts uping the harshness in each word. Friend you just gave me the golden key to my shackles. After all, I’m just an *innocent* young lady who knows nothing of what he’s talking about. Time to bring out the /water works/.

“Sir im sorry I really don’t know. Please I’m telling the truth you got the wrong girl.” I blubber out. Slowly mixing more and more tears into my lines.

“Boss I think she’s telling the truth” Brick says. Score I got one.

“No no no she’s the one I know it.” The unnamed man barked towards his assistant “Just tell us the truth young lady and we can all go home.”

I don’t stop. If anything I upgrade my sprinkler eyes to waterfall as the sound of my sobs pick up.

“Boss I’m not on board with hurting an innocent citizen.” Brick spoke, with a bit more back bone to his tone. “This isn’t right.”

“I don’t care, she’s a lier. I know she knows something and we aren’t stopping until she talks!” Oh things are heating up. The two men with me continue there arguing until footsteps and the creaking and slam of a door signals they took it outside.

This is my chance. One other good thing about the crying strategy is it gives you a good excuse to wriggle. Leaving none the wiser when your hands get free. Once you’re hands are free well. In this case I used the hand tie to break the machine and drop me. This of course isn’t silent sadly so it alerts Mr, nameless and Brick who come running back in.

“See Brick what did I tell you! No normal person could get out of that.” Said the average looking white guy with a low voice, before slapping his compatriot.

“Ow… sorry boss.” Brick said rubbing at the sore smack spot looking sad.

“Hey sorry boys, but I gotta go so.” You know I kinda feel bad for interrupting their talk.

“Wait a minute, no you’re not leaving.” Boss says in that stern voice of-

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