Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

Sigh of relief

As the clock hit the 4 mark both Jamie and Yuri stood silently, The exhaustion from the long and arduous battle finally reached them as the last of the opposition dropped. Jamie released a sigh of relief as they both seemed fine as she turned her gaze to Yuri expecting a joyous expression from him while saying “Fucking finally that wasn’t so bad was it-“ at the moment Jamie’s eyes caught with Yuri, who has fallen to his knees head looking straight up at the rain almost as if he was hoping to be cleansed by the waters raining from the heavens his face was expressionless not from ecstasy or relief, the despair radiating from him was palpable. Before Jamie could ask what’s wrong Yuri’s lips have opened, still keeping the same expression or lack thereof “I can’t do this anymore, not with you”. The shocks hit Jamie like a freight train her voice raised as she asked “What do you mean not with me did i hit you in the heat of battle what is it Yu?” amidst Yuri’s face and body covered by the rain as it serves as a camouflage for his tears He mumble “No.. I just can’t I have to go Jamie” He then tried to stand leaning on his bo staff for support as the numerous injuries he sustained and exhaustion that finally got to him, Jamie rushed to him knowing he would stumble and she was right like most of the time. She tried to put herself under his arm to help him move. Only to be interrupted by Yuri’s hand pushing her and him saying “It’s fine, i’ll be fine”. “Like hell you are, let me help you” And she reached for him once again this time Yuri’s face completely shifted his stoicity was replaced with a mix of anger sadness and love. With his raspy voice he yelled “STOP, stop helping me stop protecting me stop fighting with me i said i cannot do this anymore,” Jamie was speechless she tried to mumble a few words but however quippy she might have been she was completely stunned and was just mumbling like a broken record. Yuri who reached his limit, barely standing continued “Stop feigning ignorance, Do you even realise what happened tonight? Of course you didn’t thats what made me love you in the first place but it’s too much, i can’t keep torturing myself like this.” Jamie froze completely her mind was racing she acted like a fool but she was never one she knew where this was going and wanted to stop him, however the shock got the best of her and she just stood there as she heard the words she dreaded “I loved you J, I have been in love with you since we ran into eachother again in Bahrain, I hoped and tried to get you to see it and possibly love me, it is pathetic, but it all became clear tonight, i just didn’t want to see it, this is what you love this is who you are, a glorious battle and the drinks that come afterwards, there is nothing forme except a sense of comradarie. So yeah, I cannot keep doing this to myself, we are done.” As the words fell from Yuri’s tongue they tore through every fiber of Jamie’s being, much more painful than any blade or sorcery she had endured over the years. Not knowing how to respond but being fully aware of the fact that there is no way of undoing it she said under her breat as Yuri walked with his back turned, “I’m sorry”. The sound of rain hitting the concrete floor and the occasianl roaric thunderstrikes made it impossible for it to be heard. and she kept standing there looking at the ground time sliced to millions of seconds not able to pass. and he kept walking stumbling but never stopping and never turning around.

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