Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

What I Value Most

Leaving. What is leaving? Leaving is a losing. Not necessarily losing like in a game of chess or a cricket match. Its having something or someone that you hold to be of value to you to be gone. Could be forever, or temporarily. But you feel it though. You feel it deep in the valleys of your emotions as that value that some way meant something to you either now or at some point in your life, slips through your grasp and is just gone.

At least that’s how I had to describe it to myself that night I left. He was my forever. He was my lifelong plan. But plans change, and that value you once had in a person can become invaluable. Do I regret it? No, I couldn’t when I had three of the most precious things in my life asleep in the backseat of my twenty year old Toyota corrolla.

I knew if I stayed, because of my own fear of losing what i used to value or still could, I would risk losing my beautiful angels in the backseat. And they are more valuable to me then what used to be or maybe could be if I stayed.

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