The shattered glass and broken furniture scattered everywhere gave the impression that a tornado had passed through, but it was something much worse.

Write a story explaining what has really happened in this scene.

The Cursed Thing

When I returned home I was not prepared

For what I’d see everywhere

Shattered glass and broken furniture

Gave the impression that it was a tornado

But I live in the desert

A dust devil maybe? No, something

much worse. It has lingered in my home a

Long time. Yet today it decided to

Reveal its true intentions and curse me.

My tv stand in pieces, my table has fallen,

My furniture has scratches, how crestfallen

You stupid cat why

Are you like this. I wanted to come home, rest

Give you a little kiss.

Instead you pursued your midnight run in a day. And you’ve ruined our home in this way

Expensively. Thanks

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