Your protagonist has been dating someone new. They are the happiest they have been in a long time and everything seemed perfect at first… But lately, something has started to seem very strange about their new lover.


She turns around, her dirty blond hair flying freely in the wind. Such a strange name, dirty blond, her hair wasn’t dirty at all, it was a silk that sparked in the golden sunlight. Her skin was clear, though not glowy at the moment (she was currently wearing makeup). Her eyes had a beautiful light in them, like the light her eyes gave me but so much bright.

I stood their staring in awe as she turned her hair, making it flip in the wind. My shaggy brown hair was similar to the character from scooby doo named shaggy. Kenzie was out of my legue of course, I was basic Jacob, and she was… she, but I really liked her. She wore a green dress a little higher than knee length, and white . Her smile was as perfect as her face.

I walked up to her slowly and folded a strand of hair in her face behind her ear, the the she kissed me shortly, pecking our lips. And i put my arm around her waist as we walked to the icecream shop. Me and Sydney have been dating for a month now, and I am already deeply in love with her, some may call it the cupcake phase but I think she really might be the one.

That night me and her put on a movie, I didn’t really care which one though.

“Hey Baby, Do you want popcorn?” She said in the kitchen. My stomach dropped, she had never called me baby before… of course a new pet name wasn’t strange for early relationships but something about the way she said it.

“Nah.” I gulped. She slowly walked over and sat next to me, her legs draped over mine. She rested her head on my shoulder as the movie played slowly. I didn’t know what to do I probably was just paranoid or something, I agreed to myself to not think too much of it. She leaned in for a kiss, there was nothing to worry about I won’t think about it again. I slowly put my hand on her thigh, I liked this life too much to let one little thing steer me down.

In the morning I made her breakfast she sat at a chair next to the counter munching down toast wearing one of my hoodies. She smiled at me and I smiled back, I wondered why she called me baby, well I shouldn’t think too hard on it I guess. She checked the clock on her phone.

“Oh sorry baby, I have to go to a doctors appointment in 3 hours, sorry I forgot to tell you it was last minute.“

“Oh okay, well I guess I’ll see you… tonight?” I asked hiding my suspicion.

“Uh, nah probably tomorrow.” She said. My stomache sunk deeper than it already was somehow. I think she could see my reaction though. “But I can make up tonight right now if you want?” She smiled her hand stroking my chest.

Then kissed me for a couple seconds before moving her face into my neck. I picked her up and wrapped her legs around me her face moving up to mine again before I paused.

“That works.”

Hours later I was at home bored. I turned my head to the TV stand when I saw my sister Audrey’s makeup bag. I was free so I decided to stop by her house.

When I got there I grabbed the key from under the mat and just walked in.

“Audrey” I said, her car was in the driveway so she should have been there. I started walking into the house. I got to her bedroom when I heard Kenzie. I couldn’t quite understand what she said but she said something. I walked in.

I found Audrey and Kenzie making out under the blankets. They didn’t even stop when I walked in. This was going to get a lot more difficult.

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