Write a story where your protagonist fails to learn the lesson of the story.
The lesson of the story should be clear to the readers to increase the tragedy of the protagonist’s failure in recognising the issue.
Under The Blaze
This is the story of a creature, who once lived in the deepest — darkest — depths of the Grulien Sea. It was here, that the sun never shown, and the sea was a WILD being!— untamed and mangled within itself. Here! In the Grulien Sea, lived a creature so far beyond the imagination, it’s full glory and demonic possessions cannot be captured in a single story not image.
This creature ruled the far seas for decades. Crashing boats and killing all on board. FLAMES and sparks rose from these wrecks to burn the only shred of evidence — a single scale from the creature’s tail.
However — one man did live to tell the grueling tale.
He said it all happened like a flash of lightning! One STRIKE!— and down the ship went. He said men were scrambling across the deck, hopelessly reaching out for the rafts. The man said that one crew member did manage to reach this raft, but as he did… the wooden raft went up in flames — taking his crew mate with it.
He said the sound of horrified screams and the crackle of burning flesh still haunts his nightmares.
That day, the sky turned to night, and the eye of the ocean was forcibly taken over by a power far greater than man had ever seen. It was a deep, dark red with an eerie glow about its center. Water swirled inwards, swallowing the remanence of the boat.
The man said, that as he fled the deck, and dove into the water — a silence — over took him. He heard nothing but the sweet call of a siren, beckoning him down into the trenches.
But as he closed his eyes and turned away to brace the surface, he saw a glittering glimpse for out of the corner of his eyes.
It was the creature — the Grulien Monster — swimming towards the slowly sinking wreckage. He said it had claws made of webbing for hands, and hills covered its blue neck. He said it had long, black hair that flowed through the water. He said he saw it’s tail. It was shimmering in the light of the blaze. Greens and blues with deep purples and iridescent reds covered it’s tail like armor.
The man said, that as he broke the surface of the water, he saw but a moment of the creatures eyes.
He called them sad souls. He would always say, it had sad souls, this creature. He said it had the souls of a bird with no wings.
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