One Line

There was only one way out and that meant only one way in. They would know that and have made their plans taking that narrowness into account. So quietly, he made his plan. Protecting the treasures was his charge, a change he took to his heart. His commitment was stronger than his needing to live. He glanced out the window, quickly so not to be seen. No movement, not yet. And the line was still there. That was his hope, his only hope. Then a pebble skittered down over the rocks. They were near but not near enough yet. The hairs on his neck stood but he must wait. Another glance, shadowed figures against a crevice wall. It was time. He cut the line, the signal sent. The wire fell sending current through the metallic skins of all the rocks. The effect was immediate. Screams, more screams, followed by silence. Then the smell of burnt flesh touched his nostrils. He had won again. His children were safe. The price was high.

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