Inspired by Daniel HJ

If Only...

Write a poem which starts or ends with "If only".

If Only….

If only I wasn’t sick,

I would take the world on by storm.

If only I had more energy,

I would write non stop.

If only the world was kinder,

And people didn’t give in to their own greed and fears so easily.

If only countries weren’t run by corrupt leaders,

How many more people would have the opportunity to flourish?

If only we could go back in time,

To stop the toxic mess that we are in now.

If only everyone would realise their connectedness to nature,

And stop hurting themselves by polluting her.

If only we stopped consuming so,

And realised that our soul’s are happier when we create.

If only we could get off this runaway train,

The rat race trap that we so easily fall into.

If only we could sit with ourselves,

If only we could love ourselves,

If only we could forgive ourselves,

How different would everything not be?

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