by Nick Scott @

Write a story from the viewpoint behind this image.
“I’m Not Afraid”
There she was, my target number 52. It was surprisingly easy to find her. Unlike my previous targets, it didn’t seem like she was trying to hide. She was just sitting on a rock at a park, out in the open. Someone else was sitting next to her, and they were talking. To a regular onlooker, she looked carefree. But I could see her tense demeanor and the way her eyes darted about. She was nervous.
I was told she had been targeted at least 40 times before, and no one had ever finished the job—evidently. And no one new why, because everyone who took on the task of assassinating her had disappeared in the effort of trying.
This information didn’t scare me though. I knew _I _could do it. I was more experienced then them, and I believed I had the intuition and the wits to do anything I put my mind to. I mean, how hard could be? I could have shot any moment and she would have been none the wiser. Or so I thought…
I was aiming and my finger was resting on the trigger. I had thought about what to do with my target’s friend. I had come to the conclusion that I would shoot her first, then him right after. There was no one around, and that would tie up loose ends.
I took a deep breath, and then she looked at me.
_ She looked at me. _
Her friend glanced my way, too. He whispered something to her. She mumbled something back.
Her eyes pierced my soul. I knew she couldn’t see me, because I was wearing advanced camoflage gear and I was exceptionally gifted in hiding. But her stare still made me feel uneasy. I was sure she was just looking back in this area for a different reason. She wasn’t looking at me…
Her eyes flashed red. In the split second I had left I thought I had imagined it. But before I could think another thought, it felt as though her eyes really were peircing my soul. I felt a searing pain surge through my body. I dropped my gun and crumpled to the ground.
I stifled a cry, trying not to give away my location—for what reason I don’t know, for it was quite obvious now that she knew where I was. My tears started blurring my vision, and as I looked through the grass to my target, I realized she wasn’t on the rock anymore, and her friend wasn’t either.
She was now standing over me, her eyes glowing bright red, her face twisted in a kind of fear. Her friend was standing to the side, his eyes full of hate.
“I’m not afraid” were the last words I heard anyone say, and they were spoken with the very thing they claimed not to be. Her voice was shaking, and as I took my last breath, my thoughts were full of fear and shock. It happened too fast
_ What was going on?_
The pain escalated to the worst I had felt in my life,
and then all of it was over,
and I was gone.