
“Ma’am are you okay?” Carey chuckled at the question. She was covered in blood and had a nasty gash at her left temple.

Write a story with this as the first line


Ma’am are you okay? Carey chuckled at the question. She was covered in blood and had a nasty gash at her left temple. Well my husband of 4 years has done it again, we got into a fit this morning over breakfast. I don’t know why he hates me so much I’ve always been there for him he looks at me in disgust he a good person he just needs some help to see. I thought I was helping him. I know he’s been cheating on me but I don’t say anything because I’m scared he will hurt me again. but this morning I was done with the bullshit. I made him breakfast before work. he didn’t want what I made and he threw the plate. At first I cried then I was like bro wtf I just made this shit for you. So I took the hot pan of oatmeal and threw it on him. he got mad and here I am talking to you.

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