The Poisonous Choice

I can hear my captives squirming while the steak sits on the pan. I grab the poison out of the cabinet and drop it on the steak. I see the poison soak in and smell the amount of pepper I put on it so they have no idea. The steak looks perfect there is nothing they could expect. Murder is fun, but watching them suffer is even better.

“Girls I have your food. There is enough for only one of you. This steak is will kill one of you but the other one will get killed an even more painful way.”

“Who gets the steak?” Of course Ali asks.She hates decisions.

“It’s your choice. I’ll tell you this the one who doesn’t gets tortured for as long as I wish then killed. Well as long as you wish. I’ll explain once one of you is dead. You have 10 minutes before I come and pick.

I leave the room and sit by the door. Ten minutes starting now! I want to know who they pick.

“I want the steak Ali. You deserve the torture.”

“ What are you talking about. You’re the one that is failing in life. And you are weak. You need to toughen up a little.”

“I’m done with you Ali. You are so selfish. For once in your life let me eat the steak.”

“Fine you take the steak. I’ll just go down in history being stronger than my stupid baby sister.”

I walk back in and see Alice eating the steak. Instantly she falls in the floor and is dead. “ Ali! I’m so happy to get to torture you. Especially because you’re the stubborn one. Your gonna get tortured for a while. Get some sleep I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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