An irrational fear has always stopped you doing a certain activity with your friends. Today, you decide you're going to face that fear...

Nature Walk

Well now I’ve done it, today is the day that I will die. I really have no one else to blame but myself really, I chose to put myself in this situation and now I must face the consequences. I should have never listened to my friends when they said this would be fun. But, now I find myself in the middle of the Rocky Mountains with no cell service and surrounded by unknown beasts that lurk in the trees. My girlfriend tries to comfort me and tells me everything will be all right and even a little fun, but this is my worst nightmare. Growing up in New York, the building were my mountains, the pigeons my source of nature, and there were no bears to eat me alive. I mean, there is a reason human chose to move to cities and build massive sky scrapers, it was to escape the wilderness that was always trying to kill you. Everything about this place is off putting to me, the poison ivy, the steep cliffs anyone can fall off, elk that will charge you for the slightest grievance. Even the trees, the way they are congested and seem to be trying to enclose me and make me part of the forest. Our journey begins at a picnic pavilion with signs all around us warning about feeding the wildlife and watching out for grizzly bears. I knew this would be the safest part of our hike but we quickly made our way to the 6-mile trail that lead to some lake I forgot the name of. I had already drank all my water our of nerves and knew I would be dehydrated by the time we got to the end-if we even made it that far. My girlfriend held my hand as we got deeper into the woods and started pointing out all the different types of flowers the park had. All I could focus on was making sure any ticks didn’t land on me or any bees came near my face. We stopped along the trial for a snack break, but I couldn’t even get down a protein bar my stomach was so sick. We spotted a family of prairie dogs poking their heads out their homes to watch us inquisitively. It has always been a wonder of mine how such tiny, defenses creatures were able to survive such a harsh environment. They must always been on the look out for predators, much like me. One of my friends tells me predators are a lot more scared of humans which is way we have not seen one near the trial. I took his advice into consideration but made sure I kept my eyes peeled just in case. We started our hike again an another one of my friends leans of to me and says there is a really cool viewing point just half a mile away that I would like. I had always liked seeing this from high up, I remember when my dad would take me to the Empire State Building on weekends and we would gaze at the skyline for hours. We made our way up a small hill and went of the path a little bit, much to my objection, but when we got to the clearing, what I saw I could not comprehend. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The mountains, a small stream, the valley below, the trees the rocks, everything blended together in a way that took my breath away. We all stared in silence for way felt like an eternity. I was trying to take in every detail possible, from the way the snow looked on the top of the mountain to the way the stream flowed below us. Everyone started walking away one by one and my girlfriend had to pull me away to continue the hike. When we got back on the trail, I felt I was seeing it from a different perspective. The smell of the pine trees, the sounds of the birds the colorful flowers all seemed to encapsulate me. Suddenly I was not fearful of this strange place that now felt like home to me. It had the same beauty of New York, but in a different way. I eagerly went to the front of our group and saw they all were smirking, knowing I was having a good time. They were right, they seem to be always right.
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