Write a story about a thief, which encourages the reader to side with, and like, this criminal.

Maybe they are charming and witty, maybe they steal for the right reasons, maybe they share their wealth; make us want to be the thief's friend!

Steal to Survive

Jeffrey watches as the couple pulled out of their driveway onto the street in their sleek and expensive Mercedez Benz. The thought of them enjoying the luxury of heated seats and surround sound infuriates him as he clenches his fists. They have the emenities that some people would envy in their home let alone a car. Having none of these things, he loathes these type of people as they take for granted the fact they have money and ignore the starving and homeless that live only two blocks away in the alleyways.

He stares and watches as the tail lights fade off into the night. The are probably heading to an expensive restaurant. As he thinks of them eating lobster and steak he remembers how his parents would have to scrimp and scrape just to put food on the table. He has seen first hand what it is like to eat from trash cans and being thankful for that. Begging for just a handout to get by one more day. These people living in mansions wouldn’t miss a few things or dollars he thinks as he slinks through the night to the back window of the house.

The window slides up swiftly and he cimbs through being careful not to knock the lamp over that sits on the table underneath. He has been in this house and could walk through it blindfolded. He has also seen firsthand how the people that live here treat people they feel are below them. He worked as a laborer for two months doing odd end jobs. They talked to him like he was stupid and refused to pay him they didn’t feel his work was up to their standards. Seeing how he treated the help in the house by demeaning them and firing one after another for not being at their beckon call, yes they deserved to lose a few things.

Moving like a sly cat he made his way through the living to the stairs. These stairs would lead to a master bedroom and the safe he knew was there. He would take all that was in the safe and distribute them to the less fortunate who lived in the alley he called home. This same alley these people walked by every day to go shopping for their high end items while people dug through trash cans for their next meal, or curl up in a cardboard box. He watched this every day and resented them for their wealth, but he also felt as though they needed to use that wealth to help the people who were down and out. He knew with the money in the safe his family would be able to eat the next day and his son may be able to get the medical attention he needed for his brain cancer.

He didn’t intend to splurge but buy the things that every human being has a right to and deserves. He was not less a human as the people that lived in this house and that is why he had to take what wasn’t his. He and his family needed to survive.

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