Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.

It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.

Mila Lee

Everyone was drunk that day from the party accept Mila Lee who never touches a drop in her life seeing what happens to a person when your drunk but she was a plus one to a party it was the popular kid's party

Sarah Miller was the host Sarah’s brother Taylor Miller was the supplier giving out beers and alcohol for the party “Yo what’s up Carla!” Taylor said loudly his face was red from drinking “shit Taylor you already drunk” Carla said being surprised “yeah... yeah come on in and drink with us Carla it’ll be really fun” Taylor said begging her to drink

“You going to drink?” Mika asked her concerned “yeah I am!” Carla said all excited “yeah Carla get a whisky with me” Mila looked at Carla concerned “but who’ll drive you home?” She asked “you, of course, that’s why I brought you here,” Carla said then went with Taylor getting alcohol leaving Mila in shock “am just...your driver?” Mila said to herself confused

“Maybe that’s not what she meant...” Mika said looking at the crowd of people inside then looked around to see if it’s somewhere to sit outside which wasn’t so she had to sit inside she sat on a red-violet couch having her head in her hand waiting for the party to end

As hours passed everyone started to leave Mila stood up looking for Carla “where is she?” She asked herself looking around then found her “hey the party is over Carla it’s tim-“ Mila was cut off by drunk Carla “shut staying with Taylor...!” Carla said in a drunk way to her “but...let me drive you home” “am staying with...Taylor” “then why you brought me here then?” Mika asked, “ one was going to in-invite you was pity...” Carla said

“Pity....?” Mila said as tears were going to come out “you’re going to cry...?” Carla asked, “yes...because I thought you were my friend!” Mila shouted in tears then ran out of the house going to her car getting her keys out “hey Mila don’t listen to her she's drunk” Taylor said to Mila outside “shut up!” Mila shouted dropping her keys by accident then picking them up

“Mila...” he had said seeing her as she was getting in her car Mila locked her car started to drive as driving she saw Zach and Hinami walking Hinami had Zach’s arm around her neck as they were walking

Mila kept driving home annoying them it was like that till she got home crying to sleep

As a few days came back Mila got a message from Carla “hey Mila sorry for last night party we went to I shouldn't have said that to you” Mila read the text she texted back “you shouldn't be sorry am sorry” she texted back as text bubbles were coming up “for what?” Mila started typing then hit send

Carla read the message “am sorry for being your friend even throughout the time we spend together I couldn't see it but now I do you were only my friend for pity you were using me as well and I was too stupid to see it” the message had said then Mila had to remove Carla’s contract from her phone “that felt better” Mila said with a smile lying on her bed with her phone near her feeling better

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