Your protagonist is a thief sneaking out of a high-security facility.
Detail a tense scene where they almost get caught.
Gold Weighs Less
A small metal tool falls from the ceiling, ‘ting’ “Did you hear Somthing?” A rough British voice asks. “No, why you fart?” Responds another large man. Both men are wearing military uniforms that are red and white, as they continue there conversation up on the beams of the building is a young man and women. “You idiot! Your so lucky these morons don’t have a single brain cell between the two of them!” The women’s angry whisper fills the rafters her voice soft yet harsh. She wears dark grey leather armour with a cloth over her mouth, the armour has a small gold coin on the collar that reads “Fourune Is Taken Not Given.” A horse shallow voice responds. “Well maybe if I didn’t have to carry all this shit I wouldn’t drop any of it!” “Well I’m sorry, I forgot that you wanna make the beautiful young lady do all the heavy lifting don’t you? “Take out that alarm!” “Break into that safe!” “Don’t throw a knife at my head while half drunk and upside down!” “You never let me have any fun! Soooo caring that hearty sack of tools is on you, mister fun fucka!” “Why am I your partner? Why do I always tag along knowing this is how it’s gonna go?” The man looks down and shakes his head, then suddenly a hand presses on his cheek. “Cuz ya love me! Dummy Jax!” The women plants a soft kiss on his lips that holds for only a second. He smiles at her. “Yeah guess that ones on me. Feral Mary.” She smiles and turns back around continuing on her way to there objective. “Gotta say at least I get a helluva view.” As in response Mary shakes her butt.
The two make there way to the roof and traverse across the dark rooftops in front of them. The night is pitch black, the only source of light being the flashes of lightning from the coming storm. “Well, well, look at that, looks like my informant was right.” Mary says as she circles a small window on the roof. Jax walks up and peers though the cloudy glass. “Holy shit! That’s one large diamond babe!” He gives her a side hug never taking his eyes off the diamond. “So what’s the plan?” Jax places the bag of equipment down and starts to rifle through it. “It’s easy Jaxy, all you do is is cut a hole in this window and lower me in, leave the rest to me.” Mary has already started towing a rope around herself and preparing for the heist of their life. “Alright babe let’s do this, and after we’re done we can drink our weight in booze and still have cash left over. Haha!” Jax made quick work of the window, it was more than easy to cut it open even if this place is know as the most secure building in the kingdom. Jax and Mary share a quick kiss then, Jax grabs the rope tied around Mary and positions himself ready to lower her into the building. “Wish me luck baby.” Mary winks as she hops into the hole in the window. Jax keeps an eye out as he slowly lowers her towards the diamond case, their one obstacle between a life of luxury and relaxation. Mary gets to the floor of the large showroom and makes her way to the case with little issue but as she goes to pick the lock she notices it’s already unlocked, and the diamond has a note attached to it. She pulls it out of the case and takes the note witch reads “You are a foolish thief to believe you could take this precious diamond without us knowing.” “Or perhaps your just a hopeful little pest.” A voice cuts through the silence in the room, thunder and lightning adding a dramatic effect to the woman and her subordinates appearance. An powerful silence falls on the room as Mary try’s to figure her way out of this now dire situation. “Well, witch is it girl? Are you a fool or a hopeful rat who thought you could eat the cheese from the trap and not get caught.” Mary finally speaks up. “Is this the real diamond?” She asks very bluntly. The imposing woman stands a little taken a back. “Why do you want to know?” “Well that kinda changes my plans here if it’s not real, I mean why am I here if it’s a fake you know.” Mary says casually throwing the diamond in the air and catching it, as she suddly pulls on the rope now hanging behind her. I confused face on the woman reveals that Mary’s plan is working or at least seems to be. “It’s the real diamond. After all we are so sure you won’t make it out of here that we didn’t need to hide the real one.” She says so confidently and proud. “Good, good. Just needed to make sure, anywho see you chumps latea.” Mary flips them all off as she grabs hold of the rope and is suddenly pulled back up out of the window. “Caint say I saw that coming.” The women says before barking orders at her men. “Get your asses up there! You alert the compound those pompous thieves won’t get away.” “Yes ma’am!” The men respond rushing outside. “Well that was so simple yeah, an easy grab and dash. No problem what so ever.” Jax says while sprinting along the roofs again. “Well it could have been worse. We are both still alive right! Alls well that ends well.” Mary smiles as she ducks under some pipes and stuffs the diamond into her bag. They make it to their exit point but find it completely covered by soldiers. “Well shit!” Jax says pointing to the guards. “Guess that escape is out of the question. Should we give plan B a shot.” Turning to Mary he sees her smiling and almost bouncing in excitement. “Let’s do this shit!” Mary says rushing ahead towards the guards. “Fuck me!” Jax heads off after her. The two make there way through the first half of the gaurds with ease, but as they get to the next group of them they are suddenly flanked by more soldiers. “Shit, guess this is it Jaxy.” Mary says reaching for her knife only to find it missing. “What my blade! Where’d it go?” Mary turns her head to look at Jax and sees him standing with the women that caught her stealing the diamond. “What are you doing Jax.” Jax looks over to her and back to the woman. “She’s a feisty one be carful getting her to prison.” Jax says reaching a hand out to the woman. “And your end of the deal?” The woman calls out a guard. “Get over here!” The guard runs up and stands at attention holding a large bag of gold. “You’ve done well and earned this reward.” She says takiing the bag of gold from the man’s arms. “For the capture of the only thief ever to break into this compound I give you, Sir Jax, this reward and clear all past crimes from your recored by name of the king.” Jax takes the gold as Mary starts to scream. “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! YOU BETRAY ME FOR GOLD! AFTER EVERYTHING WE’VE DONE TOGETHER, ALL THE PAIN WE ENDORED! THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR IT!” Jax kneels down and looks Mary in the eyes. “Sorry babe but you know the creed. Fourtune is taken not givin, and I have finally taken mine.” He laughs and drops the bag of tools. “You know all this time having you hang off my hip, all these years of you claiming your the brains of the operation, all this time I spent not just carrying that dmaned bag but you as well. Now I’m finally free of that weight.” Jax laughs harder. “My, you are a twisted man aren’t you Sir Jax.” “Well I did spend all that time pretending to love her can you blame me for feeling free.” “Your lying. I know you are.” Mary finally speaks up. “Hmm.” Jax mutters out as he counts his gold. “I know your lying! You didn’t fake all that. There’s no way.” “Your right.” Jax says setting the gold down. “I really do love you Mary. The weight of this betrayal will haunt me always.” Jax lowers a hand to her and the guards ready their weapons. “You are my anchor in this world Mary, and if I have to pick witch weight I believe I can carry for the rest of my life, the weight of this betrayal or the weight of my love for you.” Jax leans in inches from Mary’s face. “I can truthfully say… that gold weighs less.” Jax stands up and grabs his bag of money. “Good luck in prison babe, catch ya on the other side hahaha.” Jax walks off into the distance chuckling to himself and excitedly looking at the bag of gold.