Urban Life

In the early morn, as I arise,

Nature's symphony fills the skies.

Birds sing their songs, a sweet refrain,

Welcoming the day, free from strain.

But as the city wakes from slumber,

The sounds of laughter start to lumber.

Children's giggles, carried on the breeze,

Echoing through the urban trees.

They run and play in fields so wide,

Their innocence, a joyful tide.

Their clothes now stained with dirt and grime,

Proof of adventures, a playful crime.

And oh, the dog, a muddy mess,

Bounding through the mud with zest.

Paws leave prints, a trail of delight,

A playful companion, a true delight.

As the sun sets over hills and fields,

A golden glow, a beauty revealed.

The urban landscape, bathed in light,

Transformed into a magical sight.

In this bustling world, not known today,

A happy family finds their way.

Amidst the chaos, love is found,

Creating a haven, safe and sound.

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