"The door is locked."

Write a story that includes this piece of speech. Consider if the locked door is keeping someone/thing in or out.

Lost With Nowhere To Run

“Sam. This door is locked!” screamed Alyssa in the gory, cold, and scary basement. “Oh please. You think i’m going to fall for that-“ Sam tried the lock. It was in fact locked. They looked at each other, with fear in their eyes. Alyssa exclaimed, “Oh I knew it! We’re trapped! I should have never trusted you Sam.” her body shook with fear. “I should have never followed you into that basement.” she sat down on a wet chair and shivered.

“YOU DID THIS!” shrieked Alyssa, shaking in fear. Sam squatted down and threw his head in his hands. “Well. Seems like we are trapped huh?” Sam expressed with a slight smirk. “Do you find this funny Samuel?” Alyssa looked at him with a disgusted look on her face. The basement of the old abandoned hospital had become a swamp. Water started flowing down the stairs into the basement. “RUN!” screamed citizens of the city of Dark and Lost.

Sam stood upright from his squatting position. Alyssa did not even try to stand up from her chair. “Alyssa. Please. STAND up.” yelled Sam. Alyssa gripped onto the chair. “I cant. What is the point Sam? We are lost with nowhere to run! The door is locked, don’t you remember.” Sam looked around the basement. Panting, Sam found a window. It was one of those really thick basement windows. “I think I found our way out.”

Alyssa chuckled, “Like we could break that window, those are practically indestructible.” The water was up to their knees at that moment. “What’s the harm in trying?” Sam asked. “Why would I trust you!? You are the one you lead me into this gory nightmare of a place. You did all of this.” Alyssa cried. She put her hands on her face and cried. “Alyssa.” Sam said, acting as if he was rushed. Alyssa looked up. “What Sam?” Sam gasped, “I am afraid we are done for.” More water rushed down the stairwell into the basement. Alyssa, however, still refused to stand up.

“Please. I am begging you Alyssa. Take my hand and we will break this window and escape this dirty nightmare!” Alyssa closed her eyes, fearful of what might happen. She stuck her hand out, still with shut eyes. Sam pulled her into his arms. “I love you. I am so sorry for all I have done.” Sam braced himself. He ran up to the window, and with all his might, tried to break the window. It was no use. The window wouldn’t budge. Alyssa opened her eyes. “Sam. Set me down for your own good!” crying, Sam set her down.

They both stood there, staring into the nothingness. The water had rose up to their waists, but it was flowing faster then ever. It went up to their shoulders. They grasped hands. “Your the best sister I have ever had.” Sam said. “I don’t deserve you, after everything I’ve done.” Alyssa looked into his eyes and cried. “I love you Sam.”

“Hey wait! We aren’t giving up now.” Alyssa said. “I believe that I am stronger than you! I’m going to break this window and we are going to escape.” She ran up to the window, Sam tried to stop her but it was no use. She shoved her foot through the window. It shattered. “Oh my gosh! How-“ Sam looked puzzled. Alyssa smiled. “No time for questions. Come on we are getting out of here!”

**_Epilogue: _**

The twins did end up escaping the horror scene. They ran far and far to a town called Wolerland. It was a busy little town, but it was perfect for the twins. They bought a home on a street called Wonder, which was a beautiful street. The twins never fought again, never lead each other into a deadly situation or even argued who would pick the dinner for the night. They lived together until they grew old, they never got married to other people, they didn’t need marriage. There twin relationship was better than any other kind of relationship

The End!

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