Write a scene where something embarrassing happens.

Why Did I Do That???

November 12, 2021

Dear Diary,

Today was THE WORST! Today started out ok, I didn’t miss the bus for once, Mom made THE BEST pancakes, and Kitty let me pet her for once. You might be asking yourself;

‘how in the world could anything mess that morning up? Dad wasn’t even sick!’

But when things are so great, they can only go down hill.

I decided today was the day, I would ask Ash, the boy I have had a crush on since last year, out. I braided my hair into a long braid which I pinned up into a bun, I put on some pink lip gloss and a little extra blush, and I even wore my best outfit ( a pair of light jeans and a pink sweater). All morning I practiced what I would say.

“ Hey Ash, I know we’ve never spoken but-“


_**“Whats up Ash? I’m Katy, and I think you’re-“

**_Ugh no way

_**‘I think I missed the lesson on how to talk to boys’ I thought, but I knew I had to try. Ash road my bus to and from school, so I used this as my opportunity to practice in my head. I was watching him from a few seats behind, trying not to look like I was staring, when I saw her. She had long gently curled blonde hair, tan skin, pink lips that didn’t need gloss, and perfectly rosy cheeks. She was sitting next to Ash, _my Ash! _As soon as I saw her I realized my chances were slim. The way he looked at her, the way he held her perfect hand, the way his eyes sparkled when he looked into hers, it made my blood **_boil._** Soon we were off the bus and I watched as she waved goodbye to him, and I realized it was now or never. So I made the worst decision of my life, I kissed him. Right then and there, as soon as he turned away from her I did it. I can’t believe I did that! It was behind the bus where by some mirical only the whole school saw and not a teacher.

If your wondering how he responded, well at first he seemed to kiss me back, until he pushed me away and yelled “What the heck? EW!”. I dont blame him for his reaction, what I did was so STUPID! I have never felt such horrible embarrassment in my life. I guess I got what I deserved, because by the end of the day my nickname was fish lips ( due to a rumor the blonde girl probably started about my breath smelling like fish).

And you know the absolute _worst_ part? Apparently Ash had known I liked him, and him and his frieds would play a game to see who could catch me staring at him first.

Safe to say my status at the bottom of the popularity totem pole was now **_permenant._**

*This is not a real story nor do I encourage what Katy did haha*

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