The Woman On Bells Street

It was a small town, the type of place where everyone knew everyone. All the kids would attend each others birthdays. The parents would all go out together. And the elderly loved all the children. They all helped each other out and worked together.

Except for one older lady who lived on Bells Street. She had a big house just like the others. Everyone called her crazy and mean, but doesn’t every neighborhood have those people? Across from her was always a vacant house.

On July 14 a new couple moved into that vacant house across from Bells Street. They had two little children and the parents were nice. Surely they’d fit into this small town.

It wasn’t long before cookies and pastries were brought to their door welcoming them to the town. When the mother of the new house got curious she went across the way with a plate of goodies. She knocked on the door with a smile.

“Hello I’m knew and-“

“If you want your kids to stay alive leave!”

“Excuse me?”

“This is not a safe town as it seems. I may be called crazy but I’m the only sane person in this town! If you want to keep your kids and your sanity leave!”

The mother was taken aback, even more when the door slammed in her face. She walked back to her house but from the older lady’s reputation she decided not to overthink her comments.

Months went on completely fine. But new people don’t fit in well. The new family soon felt out of place.

A couple weeks later the youngest of the family went missing. They searched day and night yelling his name.

“Silas! Silas come back Silas!” the mother would cry.

A couple days later the older child, a little girl named Emilia, went missing as well. The parents searched day and night.

One day the desperate mother knocked on the old woman on Bells Streets’ door.

“Please help me find Silas and Emilia, I’m losing my mind!” She yelled.

“I told you to leave before you lost your kids and your sanity, I can no longer help anymore.”

The mother cried and ran back to her house to call the police for the hundredth time. The police were no help, as they were a small town and couldn’t do anything. Nor did they care enough about the newbies.

One night, dark and grey, the old lady on Bells Street looked out her window. She watched as the whole town walk to the house across the street. Two men came out carrying two bodies. The mother and the father of the family. The town cheered. They all had evil looks in their eyes. They enjoyed this. Newbies come, they kill, they cover it up, and then they have their town back.

“I tell them to leave every time,” the lady says to herself. “Yet I’m the crazy old lady across the street…”

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