Write a story about a deaf musician.
Consider how music can tap into other senses. You may wish to focus on describing a musical experience without the element of sound.
Off Key
The morning starts off as any other the light tickles my eyes awake as my toes and fingers vibrate with life. I look outside and immediately my eyes are filled with the colors of the day awaiting for me. My routine begins with coffee as any day should, then is proceeded with getting dressed and fixing my hair. It is true what is said about the sense when one is incapable of working the rest see the world for you or in my case hear. My name is Amelia I work at a school as a math teacher. If I could thought I’d sneek into the band room all day, I love music and am a professional pianist, but due to my condition the school would not hire me as a music teacher so I applied as a math teacher with my degree. At 12 when all the teachers are eating lunch i sneak into the band room and play. I play till my heart floods with the rhythm and vibrations. My toes tingle with every key and are waiting in anticipation for the next key to hit. I play with my shoes off you see it allows me to feel the vibrations of the piano in order to see if I’m off key or not. It is a curious thing for me as well trying to image what such music sounds like. Is it a soft noice that makes you want to drift to sleep or maybe it is as hard as the vibrations that makes you want to get up and dance. One day I hope to know but for now I will just let me toes explore it for me.